
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in food, travel, fitness, style, and also food. 

What is a Master Mind?

What is a Master Mind?

“When you form a true mastermind alliance with others, and work with them in a spirit of perfect harmony, you can draw freely upon the spiritual forces within you in carrying out your plans and desires”-Napoleon Hill


Success is remarkable in that it resides so closely to failure. The line between the two is so thin that the uninitiated may have trouble differentiating between the two.  Perception serves as either a tool of self-examination, or self-deception.  The mind is a very powerful asset, and establishing a daily routine of mental presence and positive reinforcement is paramount in activating one’s own inner mastermind.  In accordance with the mastermind principles of Napoleon Hill, there is a very tangible, very replicable formula that simplifies the process of manifesting your goals.  Below is a brief description of Napoleon Hill’s 17 principles of success:


1.       Develop a definiteness of purpose:

a.       Knowing the “why” behind your actions is essential.  Without a clearly defined purpose your actions will lack direction and enthusiasm.

b.      Your thoughts further your ends


2.       Establish a Mastermind Alliance

a.       A Mastermind Alliance consists of two or more minds working actively together in perfect harmony toward a common definite objective-no individual has ever achieved great success without the help and cooperation of others.

3.       Assemble an Attractive Personality

a.       Your personality can either be your greatest asset or your greatest liability.  It is a microcosm of your mind, body, and spirit.

b.      Empathy and compassion cost next to nothing and improve the dynamic of your social interactions

4.       Use Applied Faith

a.       Faith is the fuel that propels you towards your vision.  It allows you to harmonize with universal powers, simply based on belief and conviction.  One person with a belief is equal to ninety-nine with an idea.

5.       Go the Extra Mile

a.       “Render more and better service than you are paid for, and sooner or later you will receive compound interest from your investment”-Napoleon Hill.  The more you give, the more you get.

b.      Strength and struggle go hand in hand-no struggle, no progress.

6.       Control Your Attention

a.       Don’t waste time entertaining thoughts of your fears, or worrying about things you find unlikely to happen.  Allowing both positive and negative emotions to occupy your mind simultaneously impedes your capacity to be present, inhibiting your faculties.

7.       Inspire Teamwork

a.       Helping others to solve their problems usually lends some insight into solving one’s own. 

b.      Practice the concept of ‘ubuntu’=I am, because we are.

8.       Learn From Adversity and Defeat

a.       “When you fail, you ponder.  When you succeed, you party”-Tai Lopez

9.       Cultivate Creative Vision

a.       Creativity is intelligence having fun.  The degree with which you can readily access your creativity indicates your connection to purpose.

10.   Maintain Sound Health

a.       Be mindful of what you consume, be it orally, aurally, or visually.  You are what you consume.

b.      Anything that affects your mental/emotional health, also affects your physical health.

11.   Budget Your Time and Money

a.       Tell me how you manage your time and spend your money, and I will tell you where and what you’ll be ten years from now.

12.   Implement Constructive Habits

a.       Your actions determine your habits, your habits shape your future. 

13.   Create Personal Initiative

a.       “A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week”-George S. Patton.  The easiest way to get things done, is to do them NOW.

14.   Build a Positive Mental Attitude

a.       One’s outlook is the basis of attraction.  You attract that which you perceive.  Ironically enough, it is one of the few things over which you have absolute control.

15.   Control your Enthusiasm

a.       By tapping into your enthusiasm, you tap into a power source more potent than logic or reason. 

16.   Enforce Self-Discipline

a.       If you don’t discipline yourself, you are sure to be disciplined by others.

17.   Think Accurately

a.       Knowing how to separate facts from information allows you to not commit the fallacy of being governed by emotion.


Source: http://www.foodserviceresource.com/AboutUs/17%20Principles.pdf



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