On the Importance of Connection
I have always been a heavy proponent of the Nguni Bantu principle of Ubuntu, which roughly translated means “I am, because we are”. As human beings, we’ve evolved to find security in groups, and joy in companionship. Living in such a fiercely individualistic society, this concept is rather easy to forget in the cacophony of internal psychobabble and external stimuli. Between social media, television, and the inevitable string of events that occur throughout the day, there exist ample opportunities to become distracted. In order to remain steadfast, one must be firmly rooted in the present. Connection begins within oneself; a synergy of sound body, sound mind, and sound spirit. During your interactions with others, take time to listen actively, and intently, for connection hinges upon communication, which is heavily nonverbal. This ability to interface with your environment will prove invaluable in all of your endeavors. Remember to take time daily to reconnect with self, those you encounter will undoubtedly thank you for it.
Now, enjoy this song.